Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fire Up Your Dating - 4 Powerful Dating Tips Guaranteed to Get Results!

If you have just started dating and started to look for tips, you will know by now that the most advice is extremely bland to say the least. Advice as to how to attract a great girlfriend or a beautiful woman just doesn't cut the mustard and many of them just state the obvious.
I know this because I am in the same boat. I am 54 and have been out on the dating scene for 2 years now and it's a minefield!! But I have learnt a great deal and have discovered that every date, every conversation is a wonderful opportunity for me to hone my skills and learn what I like and what I don't like in the person I am with.
Focusing on each new encounter as an opportunity to learn more about myself and the ways I behave in a relationship has been very powerful for me.
I would like to share these basic tips with you so that you might get a head start and not have to go through the same stuff I have been through searching for my final life partner.
These following tips are four of the most powerful and effective for getting you solid results fast...
1. Join a reputable online dating site
This is definitely a very quick and easy way to find heaps of attractive and single women in your age group. The internet is the fastest growing way of meeting fully qualified women for baby boomers and women are very internet savvy. The internet outranks any other way of meeting single women. It is a great way to meet women and to get to know them. Why? Well every woman is single and wanting to meet the man of her dreams!! This is the ultimate niche marketing!! The internet site provide you with a veritable bucketload of women that you can select for a whole range of attributes.
2. Do Some Work on Yourself
To attract a great woman you need to ask yourself what sort of a man she would be attracted to. Make a list of your best attributes on one side and a list of attributes that a great woman would be looking for. Now, for those attributes you don't have, think about what sort of work you can do to change that. Is it your dress sense? Conversation skills? Are you happy with your life? Fulfilled in your career? Do you take care of your health? Are you financially secure? Dating is something which affects your entire lifestyle and vice versa.
The hardest part of this step is being honest with yourself. Don't try to change everything all at once. Just focus on one or two things that you know you can change and enjoy the success of those first before moving onto the harder ones. Look at this as a challenge and fun..
3. Raise Your Self Esteem
Do you think that an attractive woman just wouldn't be interested in you? Really this is all about your self esteem. This is why you will often see very attractive women with pretty ordinary men. Those men don't see themselves as unattractive. They value themselves and this is very attractive to females. Unlike us men, women place a much higher regard on the person and their sense of worth than on physical appearances.
In case you haven't realized it, a confident male is very attractive to any female.
Spend some time each day imagining yourself as a confident high value male. It might seem weird at first but you will be training your sub conscious into believing it.
And finally......
4. Be a Truly Great Listener
Women need to feel safe and this need to feel safe is based on more than just safety from physical danger. A lot of pain in life is emotional and damages our ego or our heart.
The problem is that most men (or people for that matter), are only looking out for their own ego and their own heart. They would rather be heard and understood than try to listen and to understand. They would rather become defensive when someone offends them or disagrees with them, than just laugh it off. They would rather get jealous and protect their own interests when they feel threatened by a person.
All these are signs of emotional weakness, and emotional weakness doesn't make a woman feel safe. Not to mention that talking about yourself, getting defensive when someone offends you, being argumentative when someone disagrees with you or getting wounded by rejection are all common responses. They are boring and predictable and this will change how you are perceived by women. Try it - it really works!
So these are four dating tips for men that really do work.
I know they work. Believe me, the kind of women I now attract since I have figured this out are amazing and great fun to be with!
Get more great advice on how to achieve all of your dreams and goals and learn more dating secrets for men
You can learn more about how dating can be fast, fun, and easy. Dave Webster shows you how. Get his FREE report Secrets Most Men Will Never Know About Women today......

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