Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dating Over 50 Is Much Better Than At 15

Baby boomers represent a huge group of people in the world and on the internet. There are more people in this age-defined demographic group than any other group in the course of recorded history.
They expect a lot from their lives and their ambitions. They understand that the world was supposed to change and baby boomers are part of the group that mad e that change happen. Many are very proud of their role in helping to topple old non-working stereotypes of the way life was supposed to be lived.
And when it comes to their social lives, baby boomers view the opportunity for dating over 50 to be a right, not a privilege.
While that may sound like a strong statement, the truth is that many of today's seniors have been divorced at least once in their lives. They have remarried or tried alternative living arrangements with people of the opposite sex. And they raised their children in households where both of the parents worked.
Those are profound changes in the way most people were raised before the boomers became adults and they became comfortable with the idea of change. Change in their personal lives, change in the roles of men and women in society and change in the way society as a whole worked.
Nothing stays the same except change became the mantra for millions of people. And in personal relationships, this idea is true also. These days, many senior citizens, whose grandparents had calm and sedate lives, are now thronging to the internet in search of that perfect match. They are searching for someone whose interests match their own and they are looking for people to establish relationships with.
And this whole process has become easier and faster through the medium of the internet.
Dating websites for seniors over 50, over 60 and even over 70 have become the mainstay of the dating landscape online. There are more commercials for over 50's dating sites on the television than there are for canned soup.
Baby boomers have a bit of money and are quite willing to spend it on activities that bring them personal enjoyment and satisfaction in their lives. And why not. They have earned the right to find the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with.
Dating over 50 is the norm, and when you are a member of a senior citizen dating website, people are lined up just to email you and ask if you would like to go out with them. There are lot of things that could be a lot worse than that in your life.
Susan is a full fledged baby boomer and avid internet researcher who writes about dating over 50 and other baby boomer topics on her site at

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