Monday, November 15, 2010

Money As a Cause of Problems in a Couple

Although break ups are not something that started in these days, it seems that problems with money increase the probability of broken relationships. There are many problems that arise in every relationship, but money problems are often the worst ones..
People with money problems are often in bad mood and even the smallest problem with your couple can end in a big discussion.Things can get worst when one of the two has lost his or her job, and is not able to find a new one for a long period of time. This is usually used by the one who has a job during a fight, saying things like: "I have to work 10 hours a day while you are at home doing nothing..0"
Although the one that says that may apologize immediately, the one that has not a job and listens to that feels horrible. It may not be the reason for a break up, but goes in that direction.
Another problem with money are the different thoughts that each member of the couple may have regarding to how money should be spent. When one earns money living alone, he or she can decide to buy things without asking for permission. But living with another person, certain decisions should be taken together.
If the couple is having a hard time trying to pay for the basic necessities and one starts buying things for him or her, and these things are unneeded or at least not a basic necessity, problems can start.
These things should be always discussed together, but specially when money is a problem.
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The Challenge of Getting Over Your Ex

As a relationship ends, we tend to feel all the pain and it becomes very hard to take. We try to ease ourselves by trying to forget all the pain by drowning it with alcohol. But, there are easier ways to numb the pain and even to a point that you won't feel it anymore. It is about moving on.
Moving on is the only way to forget someone along with the pain that was brought upon by breaking up. As painful as it is, it comes with maturity to accept the fact that the two of you are now over.
Here are some tips to help you get passed this challenge as quickly as possible.
Time can do wonders for yourself. Learn to value time for yourself and spend quality time with your loved ones. This is the only way you can help yourself clean the wounds from your previous relationship. Try to take some time off from thinking of how the relationship ended.
Talk to your friends and family while you are on the process of healing. It helps talking to people whom you know you can trust and will always be there no matter what happens. Ask for their advice on how you can quickly move on from your relationship.
Forgive yourself and forgive the person with whom you had a relationship with. Forgiveness is the only way to let go of the pain and with that you are ready to face a new life without your previous partner.
Take the time to learn new things that will help you keep yourself busy. You can even go to a spa weekly and pamper yourself. Get into a new hobby or a new sport to keep you fit and healthy and make yourself look wonderful.
With that, you are finally ready to get into another relationship. You have rejuvenated from your previous relationship and you are now ready to risk it again.
Adopt a kitten and start looking for the best kitten food at your local pet store.

How to Stop a Man From Playing Mind Games With You! Here Is How to Turn the Tables on Him

Men just love to play these double games with their women, not because they love them but because they cannot help themselves from playing such games. But there is a way to stop them from playing these mind games with you and stop them you must.
Ignore the game
When your man tries to play mind games with you what ever be the mind game, the best way to stop him is to ignore the game. When he finds you are unaffected by the distraction then he will tire and not find it worth playing the game with you.
Silly and petty games
When he tries to play mind games with you, show him that you can see through these silly and petty games and that you cannot be fooled. When this happens a couple of times he will lose interest because this does not rig up the emotions he wants to see.
Your turn now
If his idea of games is getting too much to accept then play the same game on him. Show him you're taken in by other men and their attention and are enjoying it. When he sees this, then your man will step back and not play mind games with you.
Keep away from him
Teach him a lesson by keeping away from him for sometime. Retort with the answer that you thought he was after that other woman and so stepped aside. Watch the surprise on his face! He will henceforth refrain from playing such mind games with you.
Play along with his game
It would be worth playing his mind game along with him. He will be surprised at this and will realize that the fun is lost because you too are enjoying playing the game rather than be jealous. This is sure to make him stop his ugly mind games with you.
A piece of your mind
If you see that he does not stop these games then may be it's time to give him a piece of your mind. Tell him this will not do or he can forget you forever as you have better things to do than to hang around with him and let him play games.
Your turn to make him jealous
Perhaps it would do him good that you make him jealous. He's been playing too many of these mind games and needs to be taught a lesson. The next time he invites you, tell him that you cannot meet him because you have a date with someone else.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fire Up Your Dating - 4 Powerful Dating Tips Guaranteed to Get Results!

If you have just started dating and started to look for tips, you will know by now that the most advice is extremely bland to say the least. Advice as to how to attract a great girlfriend or a beautiful woman just doesn't cut the mustard and many of them just state the obvious.
I know this because I am in the same boat. I am 54 and have been out on the dating scene for 2 years now and it's a minefield!! But I have learnt a great deal and have discovered that every date, every conversation is a wonderful opportunity for me to hone my skills and learn what I like and what I don't like in the person I am with.
Focusing on each new encounter as an opportunity to learn more about myself and the ways I behave in a relationship has been very powerful for me.
I would like to share these basic tips with you so that you might get a head start and not have to go through the same stuff I have been through searching for my final life partner.
These following tips are four of the most powerful and effective for getting you solid results fast...
1. Join a reputable online dating site
This is definitely a very quick and easy way to find heaps of attractive and single women in your age group. The internet is the fastest growing way of meeting fully qualified women for baby boomers and women are very internet savvy. The internet outranks any other way of meeting single women. It is a great way to meet women and to get to know them. Why? Well every woman is single and wanting to meet the man of her dreams!! This is the ultimate niche marketing!! The internet site provide you with a veritable bucketload of women that you can select for a whole range of attributes.
2. Do Some Work on Yourself
To attract a great woman you need to ask yourself what sort of a man she would be attracted to. Make a list of your best attributes on one side and a list of attributes that a great woman would be looking for. Now, for those attributes you don't have, think about what sort of work you can do to change that. Is it your dress sense? Conversation skills? Are you happy with your life? Fulfilled in your career? Do you take care of your health? Are you financially secure? Dating is something which affects your entire lifestyle and vice versa.
The hardest part of this step is being honest with yourself. Don't try to change everything all at once. Just focus on one or two things that you know you can change and enjoy the success of those first before moving onto the harder ones. Look at this as a challenge and fun..
3. Raise Your Self Esteem
Do you think that an attractive woman just wouldn't be interested in you? Really this is all about your self esteem. This is why you will often see very attractive women with pretty ordinary men. Those men don't see themselves as unattractive. They value themselves and this is very attractive to females. Unlike us men, women place a much higher regard on the person and their sense of worth than on physical appearances.
In case you haven't realized it, a confident male is very attractive to any female.
Spend some time each day imagining yourself as a confident high value male. It might seem weird at first but you will be training your sub conscious into believing it.
And finally......
4. Be a Truly Great Listener
Women need to feel safe and this need to feel safe is based on more than just safety from physical danger. A lot of pain in life is emotional and damages our ego or our heart.
The problem is that most men (or people for that matter), are only looking out for their own ego and their own heart. They would rather be heard and understood than try to listen and to understand. They would rather become defensive when someone offends them or disagrees with them, than just laugh it off. They would rather get jealous and protect their own interests when they feel threatened by a person.
All these are signs of emotional weakness, and emotional weakness doesn't make a woman feel safe. Not to mention that talking about yourself, getting defensive when someone offends you, being argumentative when someone disagrees with you or getting wounded by rejection are all common responses. They are boring and predictable and this will change how you are perceived by women. Try it - it really works!
So these are four dating tips for men that really do work.
I know they work. Believe me, the kind of women I now attract since I have figured this out are amazing and great fun to be with!
Get more great advice on how to achieve all of your dreams and goals and learn more dating secrets for men
You can learn more about how dating can be fast, fun, and easy. Dave Webster shows you how. Get his FREE report Secrets Most Men Will Never Know About Women today......

How to Choose Your Life Partner - Indian Lifestyle

In the past parents used to choose a marriage partner for their children, even though they still do it today, they actively involve their children in the process. They commence their hunting based on a few of the accompanying standards: religious affiliation, levels of academic achievements and culture
Common faith is essential for a wedding deal to be struck. Think of trying to blend a Christian partner and a Hindu partner in the same home. What would be the complications for babies born of the union? That simply will not be ideal for harmony in the marriage simply wouldn't be conducive to marital harmony, so it isn't even considered.
Proportionate Levels of Education are also considered. Indian people value education, and to establish a match that lets in a great difference in education in education is similar to an unequally yoked team of horses to pull a cart. It's incompetent, and does not last long. Partners off a similar level of education are believed to be better intellectually matched, and should consequently bear a greater chance of compatibility. India's social system is really inflexible, and it is mostly inaudible of to espouse outside of your class. So it would be advisable to marry within your culture.
Parents generally anticipate their wedded friends' children to marry their own children, because they generally already know something about their way of life. In This manner, they have an idea of what the family is like, and how the women are handled, if the men have good earning potential and if the family has an honourable report. Briefly, they anticipate all the necessities to encourage permanent marital happiness. Marriage brokers may as well be consulted whenever an appropriate marriage spouse cannot promptly be found. The hunt is a bit similar to an employment interview, and the prospect with the best qualifications gets hired for the office. Nevertheless, it ought to be noted that if one of the possible spouses bears a genuine objection to the match, it is not forced on them because this may defeat the aim of the whole search, to make a marriage that will flourish and last.
Dr Terrence Kommal
C.E.O Sutra Magazine

Dating Over 50 Is Much Better Than At 15

Baby boomers represent a huge group of people in the world and on the internet. There are more people in this age-defined demographic group than any other group in the course of recorded history.
They expect a lot from their lives and their ambitions. They understand that the world was supposed to change and baby boomers are part of the group that mad e that change happen. Many are very proud of their role in helping to topple old non-working stereotypes of the way life was supposed to be lived.
And when it comes to their social lives, baby boomers view the opportunity for dating over 50 to be a right, not a privilege.
While that may sound like a strong statement, the truth is that many of today's seniors have been divorced at least once in their lives. They have remarried or tried alternative living arrangements with people of the opposite sex. And they raised their children in households where both of the parents worked.
Those are profound changes in the way most people were raised before the boomers became adults and they became comfortable with the idea of change. Change in their personal lives, change in the roles of men and women in society and change in the way society as a whole worked.
Nothing stays the same except change became the mantra for millions of people. And in personal relationships, this idea is true also. These days, many senior citizens, whose grandparents had calm and sedate lives, are now thronging to the internet in search of that perfect match. They are searching for someone whose interests match their own and they are looking for people to establish relationships with.
And this whole process has become easier and faster through the medium of the internet.
Dating websites for seniors over 50, over 60 and even over 70 have become the mainstay of the dating landscape online. There are more commercials for over 50's dating sites on the television than there are for canned soup.
Baby boomers have a bit of money and are quite willing to spend it on activities that bring them personal enjoyment and satisfaction in their lives. And why not. They have earned the right to find the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with.
Dating over 50 is the norm, and when you are a member of a senior citizen dating website, people are lined up just to email you and ask if you would like to go out with them. There are lot of things that could be a lot worse than that in your life.
Susan is a full fledged baby boomer and avid internet researcher who writes about dating over 50 and other baby boomer topics on her site at

Over 50s Dating For Over 50s Singles Who Have Entered The Dating Game

Over 50s dating can be a pleasure or a pain, depending on how you look at it. Why not plan for dating to be a pleasure? All you'll need is a positive attitude.
As you grow older, your priorities change; no longer do you need to be seen with the best looking partner at the best places. Finding a person that enjoys the places you like, and is kind and caring becomes more important as you look at your future/retirement years. Check yourself out: are you the kind of person that you'd want to meet? Over 50s dating can make your life fun and fulfilling.
In the days past, you'd meet a charming person at church, a dance or through friends. But times have changed! With the advent of the internet a few decades ago, statistics now show that the most effective way to meet prospective dates is through an online dating service. Over 50s singles should not hesitate to take advantage of this effective way to find a like-minded individual.
Perhaps you wish for someone who likes to go to movies or the ballet; the things that are most important to you should be a primary focus when finding a dating partner. Over 50s singles have so many interests to share. Most online dating sites will give you an opportunity to express who you are and what you like, as well as what you're looking for in a partner before matching you with prospects. Be sure to be completely honest about what you need and you'll be more successful in finding a match.
If you don't have internet access or are fearful of meeting complete strangers, you can fall back on the old saws - friends and family that know you best will be a source of inspiration. Since these folks are well acquainted with you, they are in a unique position to judge whom you'd get along with. Over 50s singles can just ask; it's that easy.
Additionally, many churches, singles groups and special interest clubs in your area will likely have members that you'd want to meet. Join one, and you just might chance on some lucky prospect. You never know where you can meet someone for over 50s dating, so get in the game and have fun!
The Author William Francis "The Matchmaker", personally reviews Over 50s Dating sites. He has first hand knowledge of over 50 singles dating, being one of the dating over fifty seniors he speaks of. He has helped many Over 50s Singles to become a dating online senior and find their true mate.

How to Avoid Being Just Another Fling to Him? Follow This If You Want Him to Be Serious About You

If he seems like the type of guy who has had more than his fair share of flings, or if you just have accidentally become a guy's fling one too many times, (or both), then you no doubt want to know how this can best be avoided.
Here's some tips that can help you out:
Take Your Time
Give off the impression that you are not in a rush and also do not appreciate being rushed when it comes to spending time together and dating. If he realizes these things and still wants to pursue you, then that's a good sign that he is not viewing you as fling-material.
Don't Sleep With Him For a While
The very best thing you can do if you are attempting to avoid becoming just another fling is to make him wait for sex and not give in for a long stretch of time.
No matter how he may try and pressure you or no matter how much you may want it, don't give in to those baser instincts and sleep with him until you are absolutely satisfied that enough time has passed since you first met him. The most obvious "I'm Just a Fling" sign that you can give him is jumping into bed with him too soon.
Insist on the Old-School Type of Dating
You can assert yourself and your refusal to fall into the "fling" category by simply insisting on the right type of dating.
First off, make sure he actually wants to date you. Erase any notion he may have in his head of "hanging out," because this is code for "friend with benefits" or its short term equivalent, the dreaded fling. If he wants to see you, then he needs to plan an actual date. Making him make the effort is how he can prove that he's worth your time, and it proves that you are worth more than just a fling.
Stand Up for Yourself
Remember that he's just a guy and that there are plenty of guys out there. If he drags his feet and is unwilling to prove that he wants more than a fling by insisting on sex right away or by not wanting to go on real dates with you, then that's your cue to move on.
You can't make someone do anything they don't want to do, but you can save yourself the greater trouble of being a fling by flinging him to the curb right off the bat if he's acting shady. If he isn't showing you respect, then don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Don't be Afraid to be The Bitch
He may get manipulative when he's trying to persuade you to do certain things that you know are beneath you and signaling "fling" behavior. Some guys are capable of all sorts of mental games and nonsense when it comes to getting something they want if they face a tough opposition.
Don't ever be afraid to be labeled a Bitch. Consider this label a compliment when it comes to dating situations. Weak and lazy men who ultimately aren't worth your time will use the word "Bitch" for any girl that stands up for herself, knows what she wants, plays by her own rules and refuses to budge.
The Fun Factor
Just because you are looking out for yourself doesn't mean that you can't have fun if you find yourself dating this guy regularly.
Relax and be yourself. The more fun you have with him, the better impression he has of you mentally. If a guy connects you with fun memories, he's more likely to want as much time with you as possible.
Cementing Your Long-Term VIP Status
You can really cement your status in his life as more than temporary by being a trusted confidant. Getting a guy to open up to you about something serious highlights you as a good friend and someone he can trust; any guy with brains knows that these aren't things to throw away.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

How to Meet Women - Why Most Guys Get It Wrong and You Don't Have To!

Most guys go about trying to meet women to date the wrong way. They look in all of the wrong places, and then they wonder why it seems so hard to meet women. Statistically, women outnumber men worldwide, so it really shouldn't be THAT hard to meet women. Yet, most guys when they complain about their lack of a love life, also complain about how hard it is to meet women.
Here's why I say that most guys go about it the WRONG way. You want to meet women to get some dating experience and hopefully meet a woman that knocks your socks off and you want to be with for a long time, right?
So, where do you look?
Besides bars and nightclubs, most guys don't really look anywhere. They hope that maybe one of their friends will introduce them to the woman of their dreams. They hope to get a date with their female co-worker. Point is, they don't look that far at all. Now, that can be a good thing once you already have a little experience, and you know exactly what you want.
Many long term relationships do start out that way. Until you get to that point, then you need to expand your vision a little.
If you are trolling the same clubs and bars that you always do, what makes you think that one night you are going to just walk in and there she is going to be? It's not going to happen.
Going to bars and clubs is just fine, just don't be afraid to expand beyond the ones that you are used to.
Here's a quick little story:
A friend of mine was complaining about not being able to meet any woman. I asked him where he was looking and his only answer was the same bar that he had been hanging out at for the past year. Well, I knew the place, and I also knew that most good looking women wanted to stay as far away as they could.
So, one Friday night, I took him to a club about 45 minutes away, a place that was filled with people, especially good looking women. By the end of the night, he had found a woman he wanted to get to know more, and you could tell he was happy.
From that moment on, he realized that the only thing getting in the way of him meeting women was-- HIMSELF.
If you are going to meet women, especially the kinds of beautiful women that you want to date, then you have to know where to look. You have to be able to get out of your comfort zones and get out to new places.
You never know what you might find.
Most guys have no clue on how to meet women, but YOU don't have to be one of those guys...
Click Here to Discover How to Meet, Approach, and Attract Beautiful Women...
Copyright © 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

How Do I Tease a Man? Follow These Tips and Learn How You Can Easily Tease His Imagination

It would take a lot of confidence for a woman to be able to tease a man. Teasing his senses is tantamount to being daring and unpredictable. If you don't feel that you have these qualities, then it's time to study some techniques:
Show only what he needs to see.
A man would already be titillated with a mere display of your best assets. For instance, if you have long, sexy legs, then you can go ahead and let him take a peek by wearing miniskirts. Just make sure that he doesn't see too much that he's already able to tell the color of your panties!
Hinting is all it takes.
Though this guy may be madly attracted to you, there's only a slight chance that he'd admit this. This guy will want to make sure that you would respond positively before he even makes any move. If he's this type of guy, just hint that you're doing nothing on the coming weekend. If he's smart, he should be able to get the notion that he can already ask you out.
Let him enjoy every bit of you first.
And this is in a non-sexual way. Let him feel that you're a fun person to be with. As this man tends to relax around you, it would be much, much easier to tease him.
The exciting notes.
Yet another way to stimulate this man's senses is to give him love notes that detail what you're planning to do to him. These notes should be so sexy that he won't be able to concentrate on what he's doing.
Arouse him with your looks.
In order for this guy to feel teased, he should see that you're depicting the image of a sexy woman. Curl your hair, wear something sassy and let him feast his eyes on you.
Don't be a wallflower.
You may be the most beautiful woman in a party but if you don't even know how to socialize, then you're nothing. Show him that when you're out to party, that you're really out to party and that he can have fun when he's with you.
Flirt like no other woman can.
Use your eyes, mouth, voice, hands and hips in order to make him take notice. Teasing and flirting always go hand in hand so have a few techniques up your sleeve when you are with him. Remember that the art of teasing your man's senses all begins with understanding the fact that he can look but he can't touch... yet. Show him everything that he could have but make him wait.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here